Every moment of every game requires the athlete to think and move. We are constantly finding new ways to challenge athletes to think faster and see what is happening around them. If the athlete is unable to recognize, decide and react to a stimulus, they will be slow no matter how physically prepared they are. This means that if the athlete can't see it, they can't react to it.

We take an individualized approach to assessing every athlete and implementing a training protocol that addresses their weaknesses; many often hidden to coaches and trainers. These weaknesses are often found in balance, coordination, brain speed and visual processing.

Training with us, athletes are able to become more reactive, efficient, and balanced not only improving performance, but also decreasing risk of injury.

Correcting imbalances in left to right dominance by challenging everyone to improve their balance and increase their core strength.


We pride ourselves on our ability to measure reaction time, decision-based movement, field of view, memory and attention to detail.

Brain Speed


A sturdy house cannot be built on an unstable foundation. The same principle must be applied to athletic development. And remember, every human is an athlete.
