Registered Massage Therapist

Fascial Stretch Therapist

Movement Coach

Jay is a graduate from Trillium College and is registered with the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario. Jay spent two years at McMaster University where he was recruited to play for the Varsity football team in 2009. After getting injured himself and changing career paths, Jay spent the next four years devoting himself to healing others through functional exercise and therapeutic massage.

Jay has dedicated himself to understanding the human body and becoming a well-rounded therapist. As a former high-level athlete, Jay understands how important it is to have a well understood prehab and rehab regimen. Through his personal experience with training and massage therapy, he has acquired the knowledge to help people of all ages and all body types. Jay has also developed self-care treatment methods for injuries using rollers, lacrosse balls and bands; he believes lifestyle including nutrition and activity can either help or lead to chronic pains. His focus is on effectively creating long lasting treatment benefits for his patients.

Jay continuously adds to his ‘tool belt’ of therapeutic skills. He currently practices techniques such as Fascial Stretch Therapy, Cupping, myofascial release therapy, joint mobilization, trigger point therapy, deep-tissue and sports massage. Jay believes a mixture of therapeutic massage as well as functional training skills allows patients to work and move at the highest possible level, and achieve the results they desire.

If you would like to hear more from Jay check out his recently launched YouTube channel… https://youtube.com/@jamilfarhat8652